Sponsor & Donate

Sponsor Levels

Click the buttons below to see how your company can make a difference!


Being a Green Star Sponsor is the most rewarding benefit to a company. With your company’s generous sponsorship you will get:

* Table or tent at the Patriots Party
*Company logo on the Warriors Walk website
*Company’s logo on next years T-shirt
*Company’s logo on a trail marker at the ruck march
*4 banquet tickets
*A plaque of appreciation from the Warriors Walk


Our second option allows your company to be a valuable contributor to The Warriors Walk. A Red Star sponsorship includes:

* Table or tent at the Patriots Party
*Company logo on the Warriors Walk website
*Company’s logo on next years T-shirt
*Company’s logo on a trail marker at the ruck march
*3 banquet tickets
*A plaque of appreciation from the Warriors Walk


Our third option makes an impactful change in the life’s of Service Members and Veterans. A White Star sponsorship includes:

* Table or tent at the Patriots Party
*Company logo on the Warriors Walk website
*Company’s logo on next years T-shirt
*2 banquet tickets
*A plaque of appreciation from the Warriors Walk


Lastly, our fourth option is a great way to show your support to those who gave everything. A Blue Star sponsorship includes:

* Table or tent at the Patriots Party
*Company logo on the Warriors Walk website
*Company listed on next years T-shirt
*1 banquet ticket


Create a Team!

Create a team today and get your boots on the ground to begin raising money amongst your family and friends in order to support your fight against Veteran suicide. Once an account is created through the link below, you can simply set your goal and share your own unique donation link to your supporters. The team or individual that raises the most funds will be the recipient of the James L. Bartz award, which will be presented at the Warriors Walk Dinner.

Donate Now!

If you’re an individual that would like to make a one time, or reoccuring, donation then please submit your donatation below.